Tree-Ring Research

Publisher: Tree-Ring Society

Tree Ring Research, published since 1934, contains work on the growth rings of trees and the applications of tree-ring research in a wide variety of fields, including archaeology, geology, and ecology.
Tree-Ring Research

    Tree-Ring Research is devoted to papers about the growth rings of trees and the applications of tree-ring research, including but not limited to archaeology, geology, ecology, hydrology, climatology, forestry, and botany. Papers presenting research results, new techniques of data acquisition or analysis, and regional or subject-oriented reviews or syntheses are considered for publication.


Print ISSN: 1536-1098

Online ISSN: 2162-4585

Current: Jun 2024 : Volume 80 Issue 2

BioOne Member Since: 2009

Frequency: Biannual

Impact Factor: 1.1

Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: FORESTRY 52/89

Journal Citation Indicator: .47

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